PC-SIG: World of Utilities
PC-SIG's World of Utilities (PC-SIG) (1994).iso
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* *
* Personal C - Screen *
* *
Release 1.0
(C) 1989 J. Ebnet Software
D - 8000 Munich, Passauer Straße 2, Tel. 089/7604179
(Western Germany)
1. Shareware
This package contains release 1.0 of the utility Personal C - Screen.
All Rights are reserved.
This software is being distributed as shareware. The release you
have is free to use and to copy.
Disclaimer of warranty.
This software is provided without any express or implied war-
ranties whatsoover. Because of the diversity of contitions and
hardware under which this software may be used, no warranty
for a particular purpose is offered. You are advised to test
this software utility thoroughly before relying on it. The user
must assume the entire risk of using this software.
If you agree with the software tool Personal C - Screen you should
become a registered user for a charges of $ 17. If you do it you will
get the following performances
- the right to use Personal C - Screen
- an actual release of Personal C - Screen with the following
. formats without copyright note in line 24
. application examples in a source code format and in a file
- user support
- update service for the following releases for a charges of
only $ 9.
- an extensive user manual
Just when there are fair users it will be possible to do a further
development of Personal C - Screen.
You have the chance to test the software tool Personal C - Screen.
If you will use it in future you are expected to become an registered
A registration form you can find in the file REGIST.FOR. You can
get it by the DOS command PRINT.
The release you have isn't a cripple ware. You can use the complete
functions of Personal C - Screen. The documentation HELP.TXT (this file)
is only a short extract of the user guide you get when you will be
In the sahreware release you have, there is a copyright note at
line 24 in all screen formats.
2. UNIFORM Format generator
To generate the screen formats there is the universal format generation
tool UNIFORM on your disc.
UniForm is a complete solution for screen management. It consists of the
format generation tool and interface modules for the following compilers
and interpreters.
Microsoft C, Microsoft Quick C, Turbo C, Lattice C
Microsoft Basic, Microsoft Quick Basic, GW Basic, Basic86
IBM Basic, Basica, Turbo Basic
Microsoft Pascal, Turbo Pascal
Microsoft Cobol, Personal Cobol, Professional Cobol, Level II Cobol
Microsoft Macro Assembler, Turbo Assembler
Turbo Prolog, Microsoft Fortran, Clipper, dBASE III Plus
You can get UniForm for a charge of $ 49.
3. Introduction
Its all the same. A comfortable user surface is absolutely
necessary today. User programs as well as system programs needs as
well with a monochrome display as a color monitor a good layout to
get a professional image.
But - to program windows, menus and so on is relatively difficult
and takes a lot of time. Moreover such routines schould be
implemented in a quick assembler coding. Indeed - a lot of reasons
to integrate the screen layout into the program by a conform help.
With Personal C - Screen the implemantation of a professional screen
layout into your PCC-programs will take at best a moment of time.
Look to the following highlights:
- interactive format generation
- windows, menus, popups, pulldowns ...
- alphanumeric numeric and selectable fields
- variable field and text attributes
- format application with one subroutine call
- mouse and printer support
- monochrome and color display
- format managemant options
You can find a short demonstration on your disc. Please start it
with DEMO (The format files on the disc (*.BLD) have to be in the
same directory).
4. How to use Personal C - Screen
You create the format(s) with UNIFORM.EXE in an interactive mode
and define
- the format name
- the format size
- the compiler (Personal C)
- the directory for format files
- the format layout with (without) variable fields
- the field names and attributes for fields, text and frame
You include into the source code
- the standard include file
- the variables definition file(s)
- the subroutine call with parameters.
You compile the source code.
You link the program with the Personal C interface module.
You put the format file(s) into the run directory and call the
In future in all your programs there will be a professional screen
layout. A professional one like in the following exaple.
example for screen layout
║ compile program EXAMPLE ║
║ ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗║
║ ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║║
║1║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ Datum 10 01 89 ░░░░║║
║ ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║║
║ ║░ quest║──────────────────────────────────────║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║║
║ ║░░░░░░░║ ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║║
║ ║░ files║ points 12╔═════════════════════╩═══════╗░░░░░░║║
║ ║░░░░░░░║ ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║░░░░░░║║
║ ║░ field║ cataloge 4║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║░░░░░░║║
║ ║░░░░░░░║ ║░░░░░ I n f o !!!!!!! ░░░░░░║░░░░░░║║
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║ ╚════════════════════════╣░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║══════╝║
║ ║░░ severe errors ░░░ 22 ░░░░║ ║
╔══╩══════════════════════════╩═════╗░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║ 123 ║
║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║mber errors ░░░ 1 ░░░░║ ║
║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║ 000 ║
║░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░║ warnings ░░░ 0 ░░░░╠═══════╝
║░░░░░░ ERRORS !!! ░░░░░░░░║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║
║░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░╠═══════════════════════╝
5. A simple example
Mr. Adam plans to administrate his goods received in a little data
base. Mr. Adam visited a short training in the C program language.
As a proud owner of Personal C - Screen Mr. Adam tries to integrate
a screen format into the user program.
Mr. Adam takes the following methodology:
Format generation
After invoking UNIFORM.EXE Mr. Adam comes into the main menu. He
takes function key F8 and comes to the menu "options". There he
- directory c:\adam
- field specification for input field alphanumeric !
- field specification for input field numeric
- field specification for output field alphanumeric $
- field specification for output field numeric %
- field specification for selectable field &
- program language Personal C
- text attributes white on blue
- frame attributes red on blue
After saving the options with F1 he returns to main menu by function
key F8.
The format name and format size he defines with PURCHASE, line
3 to 18 and column 5 to 70.
After F1 Mr. Adam comes to menu "screen layout". There is an empty
screen with the choosen attributes for text and frame. He forms
the screen layout with the key input and key funktions like making
vertical or horizontal lines, delete lines or columns or put
on/off the frame around the picture. The variable fields he defines
by the field specifications. Because Mr. Adam is not an experienced
operator of UniForm sometimes he takes function key F9 to see the
functional overview.
Finally Mr. Adam saves the screen layout with F1 and comes into
menu "field names/ attributes". Here Mr. Adam can modify the
automatically defined field names and attributes of the variable
fields. The first field gets the field name "product" and the att-
ributes green on reed. He saves field specific with F2. The remai-
ning variable fields get the field names "date", "supplier", "quan-
tity" and "price" and the color attributes white on red. After a
check (F3 and F4) Mr. Adam is satisfied. He saves the screen format
with function key F1.
Mr. Adam comes into "main menu". Now he can define new formats or take
one of the format managemant functions like show formats, change
formats, print formats, copy formats or look for a table of contents.
Mr. Adam omits for further functions and finishes the dialog with the
UniForm format generator. In the defined directory he can find the
generated format file (PURCHASE.BLD) and the variables definition file
Format application
Mr. Adam edits the program source and is surprised because of just
a view lines of code in the user program ...
#include "pccform.h" std-include
#include "einkauf.h" variables definition file
{ FKZ = 1; display new format
strncpy (FMT, "einkauf ",8); format name
while (RET% != 110) program end when F10
FKZ = 3; display just new fields
/* database orders */
} }
Following he compiles the program with the include files
Program call
Mr. Adam calls the program PURCHASE.EXE. The format file PURCHASE.BLD
have to be copied into the run directory before.
Layout for the program purchase
║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ P U R C H A S E ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║
║░░░░ product name ░░░░░ PC TYP 123456-789 ░░░░░░░░║
║░░░░ input date ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 10 02 89 ░░░░░░░░║
║░░░░ supply number ░░░░░ BST-3443344443 ░░░░░░░░║
║░░░░ quantity ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 2 ░░░░░░░░║
║░░░░ price ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 9123 38 ░░░░░░░░║
║ ENTER SAVE ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║
║ ESC REJECT ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║
║ F10 PROGRAM END ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║
The first time Mr. Adam made a program within a screen format!
6. Installation
System requirements
IBM personal computer oder 100 % compatible
2 disc drives or 1 disc drive and hard disc
MS-DOS or PC-DOS release 2.1 und higher
UniForm supports all the screen modes and all usually printers.
Disc contents
UNIFORM.EXE format generation program
UNIFORM.CFG configuration file for UNIFORM.EXE
PCCFORM.O interface module for personal C
PCCFORM.H standard include
FM01AR.BLD sample format files
DEMO.EXE demonstration program
HILFE.TXT this file
REGIST.FOR register form
You can invoke the UniForm format generator from any directory of hard
disc or floppy disc.
Copy the file UNIFORM.EXE and UNIFORM.CFG into that directory.
The interface modules and standard include file you copy into the
compiler directory.
7. Format generation
The format generation in UniForm runs in an interactive mode. In every
processing step there is a functional overview you can see by function
key F9.
Run mode
Invoke format generator
Adapt options
Define format name and format size
Edit format layout
Define field names and attributes for variables
Optional take format management functions
Invoke format generator
UniForm always is to call from the installation directory. The confi-
guration file UNIFORM.CFG has to be in the same directory.
CD \installation directory
Adapt options
With function key F8 you come from "main menu" to menu "options".
In that processing step you modify the actual definitions and save
them with F1. With F8 you return to "main menu". The configuration
file UNIFORM.CFG will be updated with your change order.
Format directory
Field specification for alphanumeric input fields
Field specification for numeric input fields
Field specification for alphanumeric ounput fields
Field specification for numeric ounput fields
Field specification for selectable fields
Program language (Personal C)
Text attributes
Frame attributes
Define format name and format size
In the main menu you define the format name and save it with F1.
If the format name is syntactical ok you have to define the format
size. Save it with F1, too.
Edit format layout
In menu "edit layout" you form the layout of the format, inside the
defined borders. The variable fields you define with the appropriate
field specifications.
Define field names and attributes
In menu "field names/ attributes" you modify the field names and
attributes of the defined variables. If there is an empty format
(no variable field) this program step is not necessary.
Format management
Besides the function "new format" (F1) in the main menu there are
some more functions for format management. Take them whenever you
want to.
Format change
Format show
Format print
Format copy
Format delete
Show contents
Functional Overview
Look in the interactive mode (F9) or in the user guide.
8. Format application
The display of a screen format you have created with UniForm is
realized in just one subroutine call. The subroutine is written in
a quick assembler coding. As a result the run time is extremely short.
All the functions which are necessary for a complete formatting system
are implemented in this subroutine. It is output formatting, display
output, cursor adressing, mouse adressing, input formatting and the
return of a code which informs about the pressed function key.
Run mode
- program source
include standard include file
include variables definition file
supply parameters
call assembler subroutine
analyse return code
- Compile the source
- Link the program with the interface module
- Copy the format file(s) into the run directory
- Call the program
Standard include
There is a standard include for Personal C. It contains of the defi-
nition of the subroutine parameters of the subroutine.
Variables definition
The variables definition file contains the definitions of all varia-
ble fields of a format. UniForm creates this file whenever you define
a format with the format generator (when there is at least on variable
Parameters for subroutine
Before you call the subroutine you have to supply the offsets of the
parameters in the following order.
function identifier &FKZ
format name &FMT
field name &1. variable field
return feld &RET
function identifier FKZ
2 byte binary field
0 Save the actual screen
1 Clear screen and display output of a new format
2 Display output of a new format
(no clear screen)
3 Display output of the same format
(just an update of the variable fields)
4 Display output of a new empty format
(no clear screen)
5 Display output of a saved screen
11 Print output of a new format at LPT1
12 Print output of a new format at LPT2
13 Print output of a new format at LPT3
14 Print output of a new format at COM1
15 Print output of a new format at COM2
Formatname FMT
8 byte character field
Lowercase and/or uppercase letters and valid special characters
(see DOS conventions for file names), right justied paded by space.
Field name of the first variable field
If you take function 0, 4 or 5 you can take any variable field.
Return field RET
2 byte binary field
Shows you the pushed botton selection or an error information.
Call subroutine
You have to call the subroutine with the Offset of the parameters.
Analyse return field
In the parameter RET there is the pushed botton selection after
calling the subroutine. If there was an error there will be an
error number.
Botton key
F1 101 ALT 1 141
F2 102 ALT 2 142
F3 103 ALT 3 143
F4 104 ALT 4 144
F5 105 ALT 5 145
F6 106 ALT 6 146
F7 107 ALT 7 147
F8 108 ALT 8 148
F9 109 ALT 9 149
F10 110 ALT 0 150
SHIFT F1 111 ALT A 151
SHIFT F2 112 ALT B 152
SHIFT F3 113 ALT C 153
SHIFT F4 114 ALT D 154
SHIFT F5 115 ALT E 155
SHIFT F6 116 ALT F 156
SHIFT F7 117 ALT G 157
SHIFT F8 118 ALT H 158
SHIFT F9 119 ALT I 159
SHIFT F10 120 ALT J 160
CTRL F1 121 ALT K 161
CTRL F3 123 ALT L 162
CTRL F4 124 ALT M 163
CTRL F5 125 ALT N 164
CTRL F6 126 ALT O 165
CTRL F7 127 ALT P 166
CTRL F8 128 ALT Q 167
CTRL F9 129 ALT R 168
CTRL F10 130 ALT S 169
ALT F1 131 ALT T 170
ALT F2 132 ALT U 171
ALT F3 133 ALT V 172
ALT F4 134 ALT W 173
ALT F5 135 ALT X 174
ALT F6 136 ALT Y 175
ALT F7 137 ALT Z 176
ALT F8 138 CTRL P-Scr 177
ALT F9 139 ENTER 100
ALT F10 140 ESC 99
If there was pressed ESC (99) all the modifications will be rejected.
If there was a key input at a selectable field (cursor position on a
selectable field) there will be the return number n+200 (n = number of
the unprotected variable field of the actual format).
Error return
1 wrong format name
2 format file not accessable
3 error in output formatting
4 wrong function identifier
6 printer not ready
7 transmission error to printer
8 paper end
9 printer busy
9. Run in Personal C
Std-Include (#inclue "PCCUNIF.H")
int FKZ;
int RET = 0;
char FMT[] = " ";
void UNIF();
Variables definition file(s) (#include "format.H")
STRUCT format {
alphanumeric 1-80 signs --> unsigned char feld[n];
integer number 1-8 signs --> long feld;
integer number 9-13 signs --> double feld;
decimal number 1-8 signs --> float feld;
decimal number 9-15 signs --> double feld;
END } format;
Subroutine Call
like before
link with PCCFORM.O
You have to define the variables global.
Integers > 8 Zeichen in your PCC-program you have to provide in a
decimal format (for. Example. 1234567890.0 for 1234567890).
7. Mouse and cursor adressing
Cursor adressing
There is the following seeting in format generation and format
- left arrow key Cursor left
- right arrow key Cursor right
- down arrow key Cursor down
- up arrow key Cursor up
- Home Cursor to field beginning
- End Cursor to field end
- Page Down Cursor to next field
- Page Up Cursor to previous field
- Back Slash Delete character and cursor left
- Del Delete character
- Ins (Modus) Insert character
Mouse adressing
- mouse key left Cursor to mouse pointer
- mouse key right Cursor to mouse pointer
and return ENTER (RET = 100)
10. Trade mark
PCC ist is a trade mark of Mark DeSmet.
MS-DOS, PC-DOS are trade marks of Microsoft and IBM.
J. Ebnet Software
D 8000 München
Passauer Straße 2
Western Germany
- Software utility Personal C - Screen
Please send me the software utility Personal C - Screen for a charge
of $ 17.
I take the folowing payment:
( ) cheque payment
( ) transfer to the following bank account:
Raiffeisenbank München EG
West Germany
bank number 70160300
account number 414522
( ) cash on deliver
( ) in Western Germany $ 3.--
( ) from abroad $ 5.--
disc format:
( ) 5.25 inch disks
( ) 3.5 inch disks $ 3.--
For a registrated user you will get an information of a new
program release automatically. You can order it in an update
service for the special price of $ 9.
User support is possible for registrated users exclusively.